Welcome to Third Grade
Sara Hayes
This begins my 16th year of teaching in Buena Vista City Schools. I have taught 4th grade, 6th grade math, and now enjoy teaching 3rd grade Math.
I was born and raised in Buena Vista and am a 1998 graduate of Parry McCluer High School.
I graduated from Mary Baldwin College in 2002 with a Bachelor of Arts degree.
I have been married 17 years to Mike Hayes. We have one daughter, Jylian Grace and we are expecting our son in October.
I am the Junior Varisty cheerleading coach at Parry McCluer High School.
I love living in Buena Vista and I love being a BLUE! True BLUE spirit comes from the heart and I teach here to give my heart to the young people of our community and instill in them the values our community taught me.
My email contact information is: [email protected]
Please feel free to email me